Chat Bot
How Voice Bot Can Empower Your Bank — Use Cases and the Future

Customers demand faster, effortless ways to engage with banks that save them time and frustration. Web and mobile apps make…

Man making a phone call
Why Contact Centers in the Pandemic Are Turning to Conversational IVR

COVID-19 has hurled enterprises towards unforeseen setbacks. It has changed customer attitudes and behaviors and forced enterprises to respond. Brands…

VOIP Headset
Reducing Cost per Call in Contact Center while Improving Customer Service — with Voice AI

The number one cost driver in any contact center is human resource expense, and it’s also the one you can…

AI Customer Support
The 10-Step Guide to Scaling Customer Support — with Conversational AI

We’re at a tipping point for customer support operations. In the past year, you must have witnessed a drastic increase…

AI Customer Service
5 Ways Conversational AI is Transforming Contact Centers

Today, automation is everywhere –be it ordering food, baggage check-in, hotel reservation, doctor’s appointment, or more. The customer service industry…

Achieving High Accuracy in Speech Recognition
Voicebots in retail: A new world of customer experience

It began with consumers moving from physical stores to online shopping a few years ago; in today’s attention economy, the…

AI talking to customer
Voice Automation – 8 key questions on getting started

Most brands see the value in automating customer interactions with Voice AI. The benefits emerge from the following value points:…

Creating Custom Design
AI-Enhancing Your Product | Machine Learning

When it comes to data, we tend to think in dichotomies: quantitative vs qualitative, objective and subjective, messy and curated,…

Artificial Intelligence
How to Use AI to Predict Churn If You Are An Ad-Driven Digital Publisher

In an increasingly fragmented market, reader loyalty is notoriously difficult to build and maintain. You know that all too well…

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