WordPress Image Optimization

WP Fastest Cache's image optimizer helps improve PageSpeed Insights score and speed up WordPress website by reducing image sizes without compromising quality.

Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location Determination of Location

Closest Location

First, among our servers, the one closest to your site is determined for optimal performance.

Optimize Image

Optimize Images

On our server, JPG and PNG images are optimized, and the WebP image extension is generated.

Save Image

Receive Files

Optimized files are stored on your hosting, while the original image is archived in the backup directory.

Advanced Image Optimization


18 Geographic Locations

We provide 18 geographically diverse locations allowing you to optimize your images across 4 different continents.

Australia, Bulgaria, France, Germany (Frankfurt, Nuremberg), Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA (Los Angeles, Dallas, Las Vegas, New York, St. Louis), Turkey



Effortless Image Optimization

Automatically Image Optimization streamlines the process of achieving visual perfection through automation.

Automatically optimizing images is a crucial practice that not only enhances the user experience but also offers significant benefits to server performance and time-saving.



Restore to Original Anytime

Revert your images to their original versions whenever necessary.

Your pictures are safely stored and protected. You can confidently optimize your images, knowing that you can always revert them to their original form. You can always start over by pressing the `revert` button when you need to.


Exclusive Customer Support

Support Team Ready to Offer Assistance

Our exclusive customer support is here to help you with any questions or issues you may have.

We have a dedicated team ready to assist you at any time. You'll receive personalized attention and quick solutions to make your experience with us smooth and enjoyable. Feel free to reach out to us, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Exclusive Customer Support

Image Optimization Preview

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