Guide to Starting a Business in Poland as a Foreigner

Guide to Starting a Business in Poland as a Foreigner

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Poland offers a favorable environment for foreign entrepreneurs looking to start a business. With its strategic location, growing economy, and government incentives, the country provides numerous business opportunities. From information technology to renewable energy, Poland has a diverse market with high demand. This guide will provide a detailed account of starting a company in Poland.

  • Poland provides a stable environment for foreign entrepreneurs.
  • The country offers numerous business opportunities.
  • Poland has a diverse market with high demand. Read more on why it’s worth joining Polish B2B market
  • Strategic location in Europe and growing economy makes it an ideal place to start a business.
  • Government incentives support foreign entrepreneurs in Poland.

Benefits of Starting a Business in Poland

Poland offers several advantages for entrepreneurs looking to start a business in the country. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Strategic Location: Poland’s central location in Europe makes it an ideal hub for businesses looking to access both Eastern and Western markets. Its well-developed transportation infrastructure facilitates efficient trade and distribution.
  2. Stable Economy: Poland’s consistent GDP growth and avoidance of recessions provide a stable economic environment for investors. This stability translates into long-term business opportunities and reduced risk for entrepreneurs.
  3. Government Incentives: The Polish government actively encourages foreign businesses to invest by offering incentives and trade opportunities. These include grants, regional aid, and support programs that help businesses access funding and navigate the legal and administrative processes.

By taking advantage of these benefits, entrepreneurs can position their businesses for success in Poland’s vibrant and growing market.

“Poland’s strategic location, stable economy, and government incentives make it an attractive destination for foreign entrepreneurs looking to start a business.” – Dominik Wantuch from Architecture of Sales agency

Key Business Incentives in Poland

Incentive Description
Grants and Funding The Polish government provides grants and funding opportunities to support business development and growth. These funds can be used for research and development projects, innovation initiatives, and job creation.
Regional Aid Businesses operating in designated development areas in Poland can benefit from regional aid programs, which offer tax breaks, subsidies, and financial support to encourage investment and job creation in those regions.
Tax Incentives Poland offers various tax incentives to attract foreign businesses. These include reduced corporate income tax rates for certain industries, tax exemptions for investments in special economic zones, and tax relief for research and development activities.

With these incentives and a business-friendly environment, Poland presents a wealth of opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to establish and grow their businesses.

Requirements for Starting a Business in Poland

Foreign entrepreneurs looking to start a business in Poland need to fulfill certain requirements. The specific visa and work permit needed depends on whether they are an EU citizen or a non-EU citizen. EU citizens can establish a business in Poland without a work visa, while non-EU citizens require a work permit and visa. It is important to ensure compliance with immigration regulations before proceeding with business registration.

One of the key requirements is to have a company address in Poland. The registered office must be a physical address where the business can be located. This address will be used for official correspondence and legal purposes. Additionally, the business should have a unique name that is not already registered in Poland. It is essential to conduct a thorough search to ensure that the chosen name is available.

Another important requirement is the business capital. To start a company in Poland, a minimum capital of 5000 PLN is required. This capital can be in the form of cash, assets, or shares. It is a financial commitment that demonstrates the seriousness of the business and provides a foundation for its operations.

Table: Requirements for Starting a Business in Poland

Requirement Details
Visa and Work Permit – EU citizens: No work visa required
– Non-EU citizens: Work permit and visa
Company Address Registered office in Poland
Business Name Unique name not already registered in Poland
Business Capital Minimum capital of 5000 PLN

In terms of taxation, it is important to be aware of the corporate income tax rate in Poland, which is 19%. However, there is a reduced rate of 9% for revenue of $2 million or less. This tax rate will be applicable to the income generated by the business in Poland. It is recommended to consult with a tax advisor or accountant to ensure compliance with the tax regulations and optimize the tax strategy for the business.

When starting a business in Poland, it is also necessary to have at least one director and shareholder. The director is responsible for managing the daily operations of the business, while the shareholder owns a portion of the company. They can be the same person or different individuals/entities, depending on the structure and ownership of the business.

Types of Business Structures in Poland

When starting a business in Poland, it is important to understand the different types of business structures available. Each structure has its own advantages and requirements, catering to the unique needs and goals of entrepreneurs. In Poland, some of the common business structures include the Polish limited liability company (Sp. z o.o.), the Polish joint-stock company (S.A.), and the Polish limited partnership.

Polish limited liability company (Sp. z o.o.)

The Polish limited liability company is a popular choice for many entrepreneurs. It offers limited liability protection to its shareholders, meaning their personal assets are not at risk. To set up a Polish limited liability company, you need to register it under the National Court Register, have at least one shareholder, and a minimum capital of 5000 PLN. This structure provides flexibility in terms of ownership and management, making it an attractive option for small and medium-sized businesses.

Polish joint-stock company (S.A.)

The Polish joint-stock company is suitable for larger businesses that plan to raise capital through public offerings or have a larger number of shareholders. Setting up a Polish joint-stock company requires a minimum capital of 100,000 PLN. This structure offers advantages such as easier access to capital markets and the ability to issue shares to raise funds. However, it also involves more complex legal and reporting requirements compared to other business structures.

Polish limited partnership

The Polish limited partnership is a business structure that combines elements of a partnership and a limited liability company. It consists of at least one general partner, who has unlimited liability, and one or more limited partners, who have limited liability. The limited partners are not involved in the day-to-day management of the business. This structure provides a flexible way to raise capital and manage the business, as the limited partners have limited liability protection.

Choosing the right business structure in Poland is crucial for the success and growth of your company. Each structure has its own legal and financial implications, so it is important to consult with legal and accounting professionals to determine the most suitable option for your business goals.

Company Registration Process in Poland

Registering a company in Poland involves several important steps. The process can be smooth and efficient if the necessary requirements are met. Here are the key steps to register a company in Poland:

  1. Prepare the Article of Association: Begin by completing and notarizing the Article of Association, which outlines the company’s governing rules and structure.
  2. Deposit the minimum share capital: The minimum share capital should be deposited in the company’s bank account. For a limited liability company (Sp. z o.o.), this amount is 5000 PLN.
  3. Appoint the management board: The management board should be appointed through shareholder voting or a general meeting resolution. This step is crucial for the legal establishment of the company.
  4. Apply for registration under the National Court Register: Submit the necessary documents to the relevant court and apply for registration under the National Court Register. This process includes obtaining an identification number (KRS number), which is essential for legal operations.

It is important to note that the cost of incorporating a company in Poland can vary depending on the company type and specific requirements. Here is a table summarizing the estimated setup costs for different company types:

Company Type Estimated Setup Cost (in Euros)
Polish Limited Liability Company (Sp. z o.o.) 4,850
Polish Joint-Stock Company (S.A.) 22,830.33
Polish Limited Partnership Variable
Polish Civil Partnership Variable

“Registering a company in Poland requires careful attention to detail and compliance with legal procedures. It is recommended to seek professional assistance to ensure a smooth registration process and adherence to all legal requirements.”

By following these steps and considering the specific needs of your business, you can successfully register a company in Poland and take advantage of the country’s thriving business environment.

Foreigners Starting a Business in Poland

Foreign entrepreneurs looking to start a business in Poland can take advantage of work visas specifically designed for this purpose. Depending on the purpose of stay, foreigners can apply for work permits Type A, C, or E. These permits allow individuals to legally establish and operate their businesses in Poland, ensuring compliance with local regulations and requirements. With the necessary work visa, foreign business owners can confidently navigate the business landscape and explore the many opportunities available in Poland.

Government Assistance for Foreign-owned Businesses

The Polish government recognizes the value that foreign-owned businesses bring to the local economy and actively supports their growth. One such program is the Poland Prize, which provides non-refundable funding to startups with foreign ownership. This financial assistance helps entrepreneurs cover costs associated with launching and expanding their businesses. Additionally, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development implements various programs aimed at creating a business-friendly environment for foreign entrepreneurs. These initiatives include tax incentives, grants, and support services that can greatly benefit foreign-owned businesses in Poland.

Legal and Tax Considerations for Starting a Business in Poland

When starting a business in Poland as a foreigner, it’s crucial to consider the legal and tax aspects involved. Seeking legal assistance is highly recommended to navigate the complex procedures and requirements. Legal and accounting consultants can provide valuable guidance in choosing the most suitable business form and taxation method, ensuring compliance with Polish laws and regulations.

In terms of taxation, businesses in Poland are subject to corporate income tax, withholding tax, and personal income tax. The corporate income tax rate in Poland is 19%, with a reduced rate of 9% for revenue of $2 million or less. Business owners need to obtain a personal tax identification number (NIP) and register with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). It is also important to fulfill obligatory health and social insurance premiums.


Tax Type Tax Rate
Corporate Income Tax 19% (9% for revenue of $2 million or less)
Withholding Tax 20%
Personal Income Tax Progressive rates, up to 32%

While understanding the tax implications is important, it is equally crucial to comply with legal requirements and regulations. This includes obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, such as work visas for foreign employees. Additionally, foreign-owned businesses should be aware of their obligations under Polish employment law, ensuring fair treatment of employees and adherence to minimum wage regulations.

By seeking legal assistance and taking the necessary steps to ensure compliance, foreign entrepreneurs can navigate the legal and tax considerations involved in starting a business in Poland with confidence.

Running a Business in Poland

Once you have successfully registered your business in Poland, you can now focus on running and growing it. One important aspect of running a business is hiring personnel. In Poland, employers are required to obtain work permits for their employees. It is important to comply with employment laws in Poland, including minimum wage regulations and employee rights. By ensuring that you adhere to these laws, you can establish a positive working environment and build a strong team.

In terms of taxation, Poland offers favorable conditions for businesses. The country has a relatively low corporate income tax rate compared to other EU countries, which can be advantageous for the growth and profitability of your company. It is important to obtain a business identification number (REGON) and register for VAT to fulfill your tax obligations. Additionally, businesses in Poland need to comply with personal income tax (PIT) or corporate income tax (CIT) requirements.

By understanding the employment laws and taxation requirements in Poland, you can effectively manage your workforce and finances. This will contribute to the overall success and growth of your business in Poland.

So, is it worth to start business in Poland?

Starting a business in Poland as a foreigner opens up a world of exciting opportunities. With its stable economy, strategic location, and government incentives, Poland provides a favorable environment for entrepreneurs. By understanding the requirements, choosing the right business structure, and seeking legal assistance, you can establish a successful company in Poland and tap into its growing market.

Poland offers a diverse range of business opportunities, from information technology to renewable energy. Its geographic location in the heart of Europe allows for efficient business operations, attracting companies from both the East and the West. Moreover, the government provides incentives and trade opportunities, including grants and regional aid, to encourage foreign investment.

So, if you’re looking to expand your business or explore new horizons, consider starting a business in Poland. With its business-friendly environment, growing market, and supportive government, Poland is the ideal destination to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

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