Content Marketing Strategy

Holiday Content Marketing: Are You Doing It Right?

by admin

“What?!” I hear you crying in disbelief. The holiday period is the perfect time to boost your conversion rates and turn viewers into buyers.

The holiday period is the optimal time to boost sales. Don’t assume, however, that people will coming running to you. With immense competition at this time of year, you need to be savvy as any sales now could turn a one time buyer into a long term client.

Insights from Invodo and E-tailing

A study by Invodo and e-tailing reveals some interesting insights into customer behavior and the role of video in online shopping habits. Albeit published in 2023, it confirms the increasing importance of video in the purchase process and we can safely assume that this figure has risen in 2024. Their research shows that 57% of consumers actively watch product videos, which make them more confident in their purchase and less likely to return it. Equally 41% of customers are more likely to share product videos than other content. In a world heaving based on customer generated content and where recommendation and word-of-mouth are extremely important in the sales process, this is a figure not to be ignored.

Impact of Video on Conversion Rates

More importantly, data on how video helps conversion rates skyrocket is now widely documented. The proof is in the pudding:

134% boost in conversions for fashion retailers using video on product pages

46% rise in CTR to the purchase page when video featured on a fitness sales page

144% of people more likely to purchase after seeing a homeware product video

With the dramatic increase in web content available and decrease in user attention spans (people only stay on your site for around 6 seconds!), you need to actively incite them to stick around.

So, our question to you is: why stop at standard video?

Having an explainer video that could boost your conversion rates by up to 20%? It’s not bad. But what is the use of going to all that trouble to showcase and demonstrate your product if your user then has to look for the products on a different page?

Distraction is your biggest enemy

What is better is having an interactive video. By minimizing distractions and upping physical engagement through clickable call-to-actions, your viewer is more likely to become a buyer. Internet consumers expect instant gratification and quick fixes, and interactive video does just that. Capture your viewer at the moment their interest is piqued by making your video shoppable, actionable, clickable.

Why settle for 1 to 2% CTR in standard linear video when you could achieve between 5 and 12% with interactive video? [Forrester, 2024, Move Beyond Awareness with Interactive Video].

It’s a no-brainer: make your clients (and yourself) happy this holiday period by increasing immediacy and providing instant opportunities to purchase what they want, when they want, with interactive video.

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