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How is Video Content Helping Develop Audience?

by admin

It’s obvious. Step #1 of all marketing strategies is finding out what the user wants. A badly targeted campaign will do nothing but alienate your client and damage your brand image. You have dedicated a lot of time building up a loyal user base, don’t jeopardize that when it comes to brand communication. Luckily for you, there are a plethora of research analysts finding out exactly what the modern day (and the future) user wants. All you have to do is listen and get started.

Users are screaming out for dialogue and personalized content

The rise in mobile consumption is phenomenal; a massive 87% of the worldwide smart connected device market will be tablets and smartphone by 2017. As a result, it is clear to see that mass generic TV advertising is being left in the dust.

Content marketers adapting

Content marketers are starting to take onboard this new consumer trend, with 63% of enterprises saying that customer engagement is by far the top priority regarding their mobile channel strategies, according to a joint study by OpenMarket and Forrester Consulting.

Brands adapting to retain users

This means that brands must start producing tailored, on-demand services for their audience if they want to increase interactivity and retain users. For this to be achievable, brands must lower barriers to participation. The opportunity for dialogue must be present and visible, your campaigns should invite the audience to interact with the content, rather than sitting and passively watching.

Marketing has entered a post-advertising age, an age of storytelling

Although the most commonly and widely used tools, such as Twitter and Facebook, are a go-to for communication with users, it is hard to tell stories through tweets and pictures. It is much easier to connect with your audience through videos as we see the return of face-to-face interactions, albeit in a modern, digitalized context.

Building Relatable Brands

Brands need to be seen as relatable, friendly, human and less like marketing machines. According to a Nielsen report, “Ninety-two percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as word-of-mouth or recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising”. As the trust in traditional paid advertising messages declines, brands need to share their genuine stories and experiences with their users to create long-lasting engagements and relationships.

Importance of Interactivity

Given the climate in which brands battle over bandwidth to satisfy an ever-demanding customer base, your brand communication needs the edge. Time and time again researchers have identified interactivity as a key motivation for consumers’ use of the Internet. And interactive video gives your user the opportunity to dive into the content, navigate it, manipulate it, control it. The client passes from static viewer to active user, from individual to member of a brand community. They are entertained and maybe even pleasantly surprised by the control they have over your content, and by the human nature resonating from it.

We live in a world where the only messages anyone will see and hear are the messages they choose to see and hear, and you need the user to choose you.

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