Conversion Rates

What is the Best Way to Increase Shopify Conversion Rates?

by admin

This is one of the most commonly asked questions in Shopify forums, and for good reason. When a store increases its conversion rates it automatically increases profits.

It’s one of the hardest questions to answer. Here’s why there’s no easy answer to this question and what to do about it. You’ll learn that:

  • There are no silver bullets when it comes to increasing conversion rates. You need to find your own way if you want to improve them.
  • There’s a method you can use to find it. It’s called High Tempo Testing and it’s done in five easy steps.
  • Plus, a list of ideas from Shopify experts you can test using the High Tempo Testing method.

We found 88 different answers to the question of how to increase Conversion Rate online, coming from different Shopify experts, developers and entrepreneurs (read the list below).

No one is able to give a satisfactory, straight-up answer because there isn’t one. It depends on your store, your market, your products and your brand (If you don’t know your Conversion Rate, calculate it by signing up to Compass for free).

Every company is different. Even if you’re selling a product that is also sold by other stores, you have your own unique brand and voice. The best-converting stores use that voice to increase conversions.

If you’re copying what other people are doing, you’re already one step behind. Consumers tire of generic marketing tricks quickly. They want to see something unique.

High Tempo Testing

Finding the tactic (or tactics) that are unique to your store is not as hard as it seems. All you need to do is follow a process called High Tempo Testing.

High Tempo Testing was invented by Silicon Valley startups that needed to find innovative ways to reach exponential growth. It’s how Facebook, Airbnb, Uber and others keep innovating and creating value to their customers at lightning speed.

You can use the same principles to discover a unique tactic that will boost your conversion rates in record time. Just follow these five steps:

1. Set your Conversion Rate goals

To set the right Conversion Rate goal for your company, you need to know if your target is possible or out of your reach. Find out the conversion rate benchmark for the top stores in your segment and set a challenging but achievable conversion target. You can calculate and benchmark your conversion rate by creating a free Compass account

2. Brainstorm and prioritize ideas

Set up a time with your team or by yourself to brainstorm thirty ideas that could potentially boost your Conversion Rate, from the modest and simple to the crazy and infeasible. Then categorize them into ideas that:

  1. Are already working for you
  2. Will probably work
  3. Are possible, but not probable

3. Create a hypothesis and test your best ideas

Now get the list of your probable ideas, create a testable hypothesis and create experiments to test them. Use your creativity to find the easiest, cheapest ways to create experiments and find out which of these ideas are most likely to work for you.

This is called rapid prototyping and it’s the easiest way to test as many ideas as possible, cheaply. A great (and free) tool to help you test different ideas is Google Optimize. It makes it easy to create and analyze your tests without much technical knowledge.

4. Analyze results, learn and implement

Chances are, most of your experiments won’t bring the results you wanted, but that’s OK. The important thing is to analyze the results of the tests, summarize your learnings, create new hypotheses based on these learnings and create new experiments to test them.

Each experiment will give you a bunch of new insights and ideas to test. If the experiments bring good results, even better. Simply move on to the next experiment idea.

5. Re-evaluate weekly

Run a meeting at the beginning of every week to evaluate your numbers. Start by reading Compass’s dashboard to see if your conversion rates improve compared to the previous week.

And make sure to take some time to think about your testing process. How can you improve it? What tools do you need to help you better run and analyze your tests? What new tests are you going to launch this week?

High Tempo Testing is a management style that focuses on the amount of tests you do each week. The more tests you run, the more you’ll learn about your conversion rates and your customers, which will lead to better and more sophisticated tests and better results. Work on it diligently and you’re guaranteed to see your numbers improve.

A List of 88 Ideas to Improve Your Conversion Rates

It’s hard to come up with unique ideas right off the bat. So to help you get into the habit of High Tempo Testing, here’s a list of test to try.If they work, great. If not, you can learn from them and come up with your own ideas.

Moreover, you’ll see that some of them, such as “Add personality to your copy,” are subjective. They will require a personalized approach. You can even test different “types of personalities” and see which one sticks. The possibilities are endless.

  1. Test different prices
  2. Personalized product recommendations
  3. Add customer testimonials
  4. Add Reviews
  5. Use social media proof
  6. Offer a free ebook
  7. Add a rewards program for referring a friend
  8. Add a Bounce Exchange (or similar) pop up
  9. Add logos of media outlets you’ve been featured in
  10. Use quotes from researchers, doctors or other authority figures
  11. Add personality to your copy, like DollarShaveClub
  12. Do limited-time-only sales
  13. Add a 24-hour real-time clock showcasing a discount or sale
  14. Show people how many units of a product are left in stock
  15. Test button sizes, colors, call-to-action copy
  16. Test headlines: Make sure they’re benefit-driven
  17. Offer discount coupons
  18. Add upselling and cross-selling
  19. Add an exit intent popup at checkout
  20. Create giveaways and competitions
  21. Offer ways to create wishlists
  22. Add website search
  23. Display product categories
  24. Add an About page
  25. Add guest checkout
  26. Show all payment options in footer and in checkout page
  27. Internationalize your business
  28. Use a heatmap to see where your visitors are dropping off
  29. Test remarketing
  30. Try live chat
  31. Eliminate distractions at checkout
  32. Add videos to product pages
  33. Add video to the homepage
  34. Add customer support via SMS
  35. Add breadcrumbs
  36. Add detailed, clear product descriptions
  37. Have professional quality photos
  38. State availability, shipping terms and delivery times
  39. Use security / trust badges
  40. Reduce number of steps in checkout process
  41. Start a blog
  42. Start a newsletter
  43. Capture user sessions with Hotjar
  44. Nail your unique selling proposition
  45. Provide sub-newsletters based on interest
  46. Offer daily deals
  47. Offer discounts to subscribers
  48. Offer free shipping to subscribers
  49. Make sure there is a direct correlation between your ads and your landing page
  50. Add a local phone number
  51. Do onsite retargeting
  52. Write in your audience’s language
  53. Invest in Long Tail SEO
  54. Reduce clutter in design
  55. Design every page for just one purpose
  56. Keep the best content above the fold
  57. Start a loyalty program
  58. Reduce the number of fields in forms (especially mobile forms)
  59. Browser push notification
  60. Set up a funnel in Google Analytics
  61. Generate email leads
  62. Survey your most satisfied users
  63. Survey your least satisfied users
  64. Color is important. Sometimes a simple color change may affect the conversion.
  65. Increase the size of your add-to-cart buttons
  66. Start an affiliate program
  67. Use top bar CTAs, such as Hello Bar
  68. Ensure that product pages overcome as many buyer objections as possible
  69. Promote the hell out of your best-selling products
  70. Create a movement/tribe/community
  71. Add a guarantee and refund policy page
  72. Give buy-one-get-one-free offer
  73. Make sure you’re targeting the right audience
  74. Do one-step checkout
  75. Use marketing automation
  76. Sell below your margins to new users to capture them
  77. Add “Save the Cart” functionality
  78. Create dedicated landing pages for PPC ads
  79. Tell an interesting story about your website and its brand
  80. Add advanced search feature
  81. Test static image vs. rotating slider on homepage
  82. Use huge customer photos on your Home page
  83. Move the call-to-action to the left of the screen
  84. Use bullet points to outline benefits
  85. Offer next-day shipping
  86. Make your links red
  87. Show (real) humans on images, not stock images
  88. Use aspirational imagery and copy

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