Year in review: A Look Back at 2022

Year in review: A Look Back at 2022

by admin

The new year is about to come and 2022 has been one of the best years for WP Fastest Cache.

Each of the achievements we highlight here is in some way directly tied to customer satisfaction. But before we say goodbye to 2022, we think it’s a good time to look back at what happened in 2022.

Ranking in WP Repo: 40th among 59,957 plugins

We were in 35th place last year, but this year we dropped 5 places to 40. Since our plugin is growing day by day, we don’t see ranking drops as a big problem for now.

Downloads: 36,800,659+ downloads to date

This year WP Fastest Cache has seen exciting growth with increasing downloads. We’re excited to announce that over 8.5 million new people have downloaded our plugin in 2022; approximately 37 million downloads in total.

Active Users: 1.000.000+ active free users

Since does not show the net figure, the number of active users does not seem to have changed in the last year. However, according to our experience, we estimate that we have close to 1.5 million active users.

Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars

Keep sharing your feedback with us so we can continue to make our plugin as seamless as possible. We would like to thank to everyone who has contributed to making WP Fastest Cache even better.

Forum Replies Created: 11,677 replies created to date

Your experiences, feedback and questions continue to help us make our product even better.

We helped users by replying 764 times on the forum in the last year. Between 2020-2021, we helped users by replying 1100 times. In the last year, the number of our answers has decreased by 30%.

Despite the increase in the number of active users and the number of downloads, we interpret this decrease as the product causing less problems.

Paid Users: 63,884+ paid users to date

We increased our revenue and user base in 2022. Also, we have reached our 8th year in business life and we have users from all countries. Finally, we would like to thank all our users for a great year. We wouldn’t have made it without you, and we’re excited to bring you more features in 2023.

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