When you activate or deactivate a plugin, you might ask for the entire cache to be cleared.

When you switch theme, you might ask for the entire cache to be cleared.

If you use the MultiSite installation on your wordpress, separate cache is created for each site. When you click on…

When you update any plugin or theme, the entire cache may need to be cleared.

The cache is created in two ways. First, it is created when the page is visited. Second, If enabled, it…

One of the ways to clear cache is clicking on the link which exists on the admin toolbar. By default,…

WP Fastest Cache automatically excludes the urls with JSON as content type.

There are some features which provide you to clear cache via admin panel. You need to have to login into…

If a url contains a query string, the url is not cached but the situation is different for the urls…

When a new post is published, you can clear all cache or the cache of homepage, the cache of the…